Friday, October 17, 2014

"Brown Trout" - Fish Art

Submitted by: Sarah Samsel

This picture is made of: hydrangea, red pepper, cinnamon, turmeric, yarrow, bark, money plant, aucuba, cosmos, maple, onion, viola, seaweed, cotton, gray poplar, creeping raspberry and poinsettia.  

My thoughts: Of the three kinds of trout that are prevalent in the Southeast, the brown trout is Dad’s favorite. He believes fooling them is more of a game, which makes each one caught more of a prize. He also likes the way they look and says he likes their personality, although I’m not sure exactly what that means.

Although I’m Jeff Samsel’s daughter, I don’t really get into fishing. However, trout are probably my very favorite thing to make from pressed flowers. I enjoy the process of finding leaves and petals that match the colors of the fish and then figuring out how to blend those colors together. The only non-botanical thing in this picture is my signature. The rest of the black lines are made from strands of seaweed.